The Centre for Research on Religion (CREOR) is one of McGill's many academic research centres, but one of only a few in the Humanities, and the sole one in the field of Religious Studies. The Centre is an inter-disciplinary and inter-faculty entity drawing on the expertise and research interests present in the School of Religious Studies and other units in the Faculty of Arts, as well as the Faculties of Education, Law and Medicine, and other faculties at McGill University, such as Management and Music, as well. CREOR is based in the School of Religious Studies in the Faculty of Arts of McGill University, and collaborates with researchers from other Montreal institutions and from universities and colleges around the world.
Info-Secte / Info-Cult
Founded in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) in 1980, Info-Cult is a nonprofit charitable organization that offers information and help with regard to groups, their ideology, their functioning as well as the interpersonal relationships within a cultic context.
WRSP: World Religions and Spirituality
The World Religions and Spirituality Project (WRSP) is an online international scholarly consortium founded in 2010. WRSP is being developed primarily as a resource for religion scholars but also one that is accessible to students, journalists, and a general literate audience. The mission of the WRSP is to provide systematically organized information on the world’s diverse array of religious and spiritual traditions. At the core of the project are detailed group profiles that report on key elements of religious and spiritual organization. These elements include information on group founders, histories, doctrines, rituals, leadership, organization, and development. The full range of religious and spiritual groups are included in WRSP, with particular attention to newly developing traditions.